The Top 20 Most Influential Agile People
We have used a combination of statistics from a number of different sites, Amazon Book Sales (US, UK & EU), the top 200 Agile blogs, Google insight and trend information, Klout data, Twitter numbers and rankings, the top 100 Agile books (which measures reader’s scores), and combined that with a final editorial decision to produce […]
Four traps to avoid when migrating mature applications to the cloud
My latest post on ThoughtsOnCloud details some of the lessons I’ve learnt during cloud migrations for customers and clients. I hope that this information can save others some time, money and heartbreak.
Open-plan offices reduce productivity by 66%. Is sanity finally prevailing?
I’ve never been a fan of open plan offices and according to this TED talk there is some evidence that they may be as unproductive as I have generally found them to be. Update 26/5/2017 Another great article on the subject of open plan offices.
Free one-way ticket to Mars
Fly to Mars, for free! Whether it’s wishful thinking on a large-scale, or a serious effort to colonise the red planet, the Mars One project is certainly a case of dreaming big and then trying to turn that dream into a reality. The catch is that there’s no return flight!
Key communication lessons from the best start-up pitches
Pitching is no longer just important for start-ups While pitching In today’s time-poor and information-overloaded world, getting attention, and getting your point across in a succinct manner, are valuable skills for every business person. Critique of the best start-up pitches Business Insider Australia has a great critique on some of the best start-up pitches from […]
Free online Enterprise Architecture course
Enterprise Architecture is still something of a mystical term for many people. Yes, we all know it’s important but perhaps without full understanding exactly what it is. Generally one of the best ways to learn about Enterprise Architecture has been to take training in a methodology such as TOGAF. But there haven’t been many other […]
Do we still need system administrators in the cloud?
The short answer is maybe. The longer answer is a bit more complicated. Learn more in my latest blog post for Thoughts On Cloud
How to stay on top of the cloud
Information overload I sometimes struggle to keep up with the latest on cloud computing. The technology industry tends to move and change quite quickly and it is important to keep abreast of news and trends. But there is just so much information available today that I could easily spend my whole week just reading the […]