The cloud landscape in Australia
Recently I gave a presentation to the IBM ThoughtsOnCloud team about the state of cloud computing in Australia. Here are the slides for anyone who is interested. [slideshare id=24128025&doc=cloudlandscapeinaustralia-130711013822-phpapp02]
Migrating mail from Gmail to Office365
If you’re moving just one individual mail account from Gmail to Outlook online (part of Microsoft Office365) then using connected accounts should work but personally I could not get Outlook online to connect to my Gmail account. It has been suggested that this was because I didn’t have two-factor authentication turned on at Gmail and therefore wasn’t using an application-specific password for […]
Microsoft and Lotus out. Google in. Cloud strategy at
Interesting article about how decided on Google Apps over Microsoft Office 365 for their cloud SaaS platform. It’s also interesting to note their reasons for moving away from Lotus technology.