The cloud landscape in Australia

Recently I gave a presentation to the IBM ThoughtsOnCloud team about the state of cloud computing in Australia. Here are the slides for anyone who is interested. [slideshare id=24128025&doc=cloudlandscapeinaustralia-130711013822-phpapp02]  

Migrating mail from Gmail to Office365

If you’re moving just one individual mail account from Gmail to Outlook online (part of Microsoft Office365) then using connected accounts should work but personally I could not get Outlook online to connect to my Gmail account. It has been suggested that this was because I didn’t have two-factor authentication turned on at Gmail and therefore wasn’t using an application-specific password for […]

Has the Facebook countertrend started? Fresh Stats On Social Networks.

Has to popularity of Facebook created a countertrend to move away from it? Maybe so, based on recent research on Social Media usage from New York University. Many Facebook refusers actually revel in their difference from the mainstream, seeing it as a mark of distinction, superior taste, and identification with an elite social stratum This […]

Regressive marital advice – a great example of trend creating countertrend

Rather than telling her to kick the loser to the curb, or suggest that she give her husband an ultimatum, they told her she needed to put out more. And do more housekeeping, cook tastier meals, maybe lose a couple of kilos, and shower her husband with praise. There’s an interesting phenomena in life where […]

Blog back up and running

I’ve had a few technical issues with this blog over the last week. the blog is back up and running and I hope to get all the old content back within the next week or so.

So, what does freedom mean to us?

Freedom is a BIG topic and it’s not until you listen to someone who has spent a considerable amount of time exploring the subject, that you begin to realise the complexities, the nuances, and most importantly, the importance of freedom as it relates to law, politics and society as a whole. Last week I attended a […]

72,000 Dreamforce attendees shows that Salesforce has got real mojo.

Forbes reported that Dreamforce (‘s annual love-in) has 72,000 attendees.  eWeek says there are 90,000. My mind boggles at these numbers.  This is the equivalent of a packed-out Sydney Olympic stadium. The largest IT event I’ve attended was IBM’s LotusSphere in Orlando, which had around 10,000 attendees, and I thought that was a big event. If […]

DFQ’s – the learning method for the Facebook generation

How do you educate people in an increasingly time-poor world and one where attention spans seem to be reducing quite dramatically? DFQ is a learning strategy invented by the School Of Thinking and as usual they seem to have been ahead of the pack in developing this technique. The School Of Thinking is an educational organisation […]

Hangout with the Prime Minister

This is an opportunity to ask the Prime Minister Julia Gillard your most burning questions. Post a new question or vote for your favourites.  The PM will answer the most popular questions live on Saturday July 21st. This is a great use of technology as a social enabler and also some pretty good PR […]