I’ve been consolidating the number of computers I have by moving them with VMWare vCenter Converter to a server running vSphere Hypervisor.  I ran into some issue when trying to copy an old Windows XP machine and I’m posting this here in case anyone else runs into the same issues.

In general I found this guide useful.

Issue 1. “Unable to contact specified host”

This was caused due to having the Windows Firewall running on the Windows XP source computer.  Turning off Windows Firewall enabled VMWare vCenter Converter to connect to the computer.


Issue 2. “Insufficient permissions to connect to <computername>”

This was caused by not having a password assigned to the Administrator account on the Windows XP machine.  It appears the VMWare vCenter Converter cannot log into the remote Windows XP machine if the Administrator account doesn’t have a password.

Here are some tips I discovered while sorting this out.

The built-in Administrator account is hidden from Welcome Screen when a user account with Administrator privileges exists and enabled. In Windows XP Home Edition, you can login as built-in Administrator in Safe Mode only. For XP Professional, press CTRL + ALT + DEL twice at the Welcome Screen and input your Administrator password in the classic logon window that appears.


Good Luck!